Acupuncture for Children

As a parent, you want nothing more than for your child to be healthy. Regular checkups with your family doctor are an important part of maintaining good physical health. These visits allow for your doctor to detect and correct minor problems before they become  major health concerns.

You may not think of acupuncture as an important part of your child’s healthcare. However, it can be an essential alternative therapy to help regain and maintain your child’s health.

An acupuncturist check the overall quality and balance of your child’s life Energy, called Qi (pronounced “chee).

What affects Qi?
In today’s world, children are exposed to many stressors. Over time, they build up and can cause problems. Here are a few that can affect a child’s health:

ACCIDENTS/FALLS: Children often fall and hurt themselves. Physical trauma blocks the free movement of Qi. Eventually, this can lead to less adequate nourishment for the body and organs systems.

ENVIRONMENT: Exposure to environmental and Chemical hazards can have a direct impact upon a child’s health. This may make them susceptible to things like colds, allergies, asthma, and digestive troubles.

DIET: A diet lacking in proper nutrition can affect organ function and eventually overall health and well being. Acupuncture helps strengthen and support out-of-balance organs.

EMOTIONS: Chidren may experience unpleasant situations tha affect them emotionally. They can internalize the stress from these situations, and over time, this stress can manifest into various signs and symptoms.

If not properly detected and cared for, stressors can lead to an inadequate supply of Qi necessary to nourish and support health. Eventually, your child may have symptoms and signs of illness disease and pain may appear.

How does Acupuncture work?
Christine will begin by taking a full health history. This may include asking questions, assessing the pulses, looking at the tongue and/or abdominal palpation. These are effective diagnostic tools that enable to obtain a clear picture of your child’s overall health.

If signs of weakness, imbalance, or blockage are found, Christine will use a variety of gentle treatment methods to restore the balance and flow of qi, thereby facilitating your child’s natural ability to heal. Some of these techniques may include: acupressure, herbs, tuina, pediatric massage, non-penetrating acupuncture, moxabution, or cupping.

Caring for your child’s health with acupuncture is safe, natural, drug-free and effective. It is the perfect way to allow your child to grow and thrive.
Articles on the safety of acupuncture for children

Huffington Post –
Washington Post –

ABC News –

WebMD –

Medical News Today –

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