

Acupuncture, a complex branch of Chinese Medicine, is the ancient science of inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body to restore the normal balance of Qi.

Through a balanced flow of Qi, the body is able to heal itself. It is a safe, effective and relaxing therapy used as a dynamic approach in the prevention of illness and restoration of health. Read more…


images-13Chinese Herbal Medicine

The Chinese pharmacopia lists over 6,000 different medicinal substances. As the oldest practiced system of herbal medicine in the world, Chinese herbs have been studied and utilized extensively.

Traditionally, an herbal formula is taken as a custom made tea. However today there are several options such as tea pills, plasters, tinctures, drafts and granules. Herbal remedies are made from the highest quality herbs and are combined to form custom herbal prescriptions. Read more…


1255004_88259036Tui Na

Tui Na (pronounced tway-nah) is a Chinese medical massage developed as another branch of classical Chinese medicine. It is a rhythmic massage preformed by applying pressure in circular movements on selected acupuncture points or along meridians.

This therapy is used to stimulate or relax muscle groups, channels of the body, and relieve pain.



Moxa is a combination of Chinese herbs that can be burned on an acupuncture needle or near the body to build Qi and rid the body of excess moisture.

Patients usually enjoy the warmth and relaxation that comes with moxibustion.



Cupping is an ancient technique in which glass jars areĀ  heated to create a vacuum and placed on the body to relieve acute illnesses such as cold, fever and pain.

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